• Always puts the quality at the first place and strictly supervise the product quality of every process.Always puts the quality at the first place and strictly supervise the product quality of every process.


    Soloko ubeka umgangatho kwindawo yokuqala kwaye esweni ngokungqongqo umgangatho imveliso yonke inkqubo.
  • Our Factory has grown into a Premier ISO9001:2008 Certified manufacturer of High quality, Cost-Effective productsOur Factory has grown into a Premier ISO9001:2008 Certified manufacturer of High quality, Cost-Effective products


    Umzi mveliso wethu ukhule waba yiNkulumbuso i-ISO9001: 2008 umenzi oqinisekisiweyo womgangatho ophezulu, iimveliso ezingabizi mali ininzi
  • Dongguan city and has around 180 staffs and 2 factories around 10,000 square meters now.Dongguan city and has around 180 staffs and 2 factories around 10,000 square meters now.


    Isixeko saseDongguan kwaye sineentonga ezingama-180 kunye nemizi-mveliso emi-2 ejikeleze i-10,000 yeemitha zesikwere ngoku.


I-RAISING-Elec esekwe kwi-2000 ibekwe kwiDolophu yaseHoujie, kwisixeko saseDongguan kwaye ineentonga ezingama-180 kunye nemizi-mveliso emi-2 ejikeleze i-10,000 yeemitha zesikwere ngoku. Singumenzi we-OEM / ODM ojolise kugxininiso lwesinyithi kunye nokuchwetheza kunye ne-CNC, kwangaxeshanye, sikwanikezela ngeenkonzo ezixhasayo kwaye sinika inkxaso "yokumisa enye" ​​kubaxhasi kulo lonke uthotho lwesinyithi, njengokuphosa ukufa, izinto zokubopha ...